Configurations of Ethics in consciousness
Catelli, Mario Batista
Abstract: This paper briefly describes the main stages in the process of consciousness development, especially concerning the ethical function, from theoretical elaborations made by Jung, Neumann and Byington. Such stages are herein referred to as: undifferentiated totality, insular consciousness, polarized consciousness, alterity consciousness and contemplative consciousness. It intends to present the process of evolution of consciousness and an ethical function as a course that starts from an undifferentiated unity, goes through progressive differentiation and integration, and returns to unity preserving the qualities acquired during its trajectory.
A dialogue with money – an encounter of paradoxes
Albert, Susan Carol
Abstract: This article reflects on the different expressions of the symbol money and the different roles it has played and continues to play throughout history. It examines the impacts of a money complex, individually and culturally, and discusses the role of money beyond its economic function, to consider its emotional and symbolic meanings. The importance of an internal dialogue with this symbol is highlighted as a way to gain access to one’s own individual money complex and how addressing the unconscious fantasies attached to this symbol can help one reach a deeper understanding of its meaning.
If I ever want to talk to God – solitude and detachment in search of the sacred
Esteves, Paula Costa Franco
Abstract: Throughout history there have been remarkable examples of religiosity which are understood to be a search for transcendence. The cultivation of solitude and detachment in this search and in reverence to the sacred is considered a conscious search for a connection with the Self. Jung treated religion as a universal experience, because it is practiced in all cultures and at all times. Using the poem “If I ever want to talk to God”, written by Gilberto Gil, as the script, the following article discusses many personal attitudes towards religious experiences as an individual and solitary exercise, that enables a person to become involved in their individuation process.
Time and Jungian couple therapy: reflections
Pessoa, Maria Silvia C.
Abstract: This article reflects on brief therapy, Jungian psychology, and couple therapy. It also highlights the importance of both chronological time – chronos, and subjective time – Kairos, and its meaning when working with contemporary couples. As therapists, we experience pauses, silences, absences, and the time required to properly feel the wounds formed throughout the years. It is also necessary, within therapeutic work, to dedicate time to look at these wounds, to care for and heal them. Inherently connected to life, time is also present in the work with couples as it involves the process of discriminating, working through and integrating each partner’s complexes. By recognizing the relevance of time to therapy, the therapist is able to empathize not only with each partner’s opportune moment, but also with the couple’s moment, a third element resulting from the affective encounter and the daily interaction between two people. Based on this approach, the therapeutic setting develops a new framework, formed within the interpersonal relationship between therapist and couple. For the author, the term ‘symbolic couple therapy’ can be understood to reflect Jungian couple therapy, since it focuses on the symbol as an of expression from the unconscious, whose function is to point the direction towards the Self and individuation.
Tania´s dream
Maurmo, Thaís
Abstract: The symbol has a transformative nature because it makes the archetype visible to the conscious mind. A demi-human creature half-woman half-moray eel appears in a middle-aged patient’s dream. This paper reports on the symbol of the chimeric figure in its many areas and layers of understanding with the purpose of discussing its impact on the patient’s life. It describes, analyzes and interprets the symbol based on Jungian Psychology. It amplifies the symbol through the use of myth and culture and provides reflections on it. It finally connects the symbol to the dream and the patient’s stage in life. The result is that the transformative nature of the symbol has an impact on the patient’s life and individuation process. It empowers her to make significant changes in her life.
The archetype of the double in Goethe
Gimael, Elizabeth Dipp Azevedo
Abstract: This article discusses the concept of the archetype of the double, proposed by a Jungian analyst, Mitchel Walker (1976), as a soul figure with spiritual and erotic characteristics. The double theme is so archaic that it appears in various creation myths, and is also a theme widely used in the nineteenth century, in Romanticism. Taking the work of Goethe entitled Faust Part I, the author analyses the doubles appearing in the dramatic development of this work. In Faust we see the search for another outside of us to complete our soul, finding this complementarity in Mephistopheles and Margaret.
When romantic love becomes toxic
Baptista, Sylvia Mello Silva
Abstract: This article discusses the toxic aspect of romantic love by examining the unconscious state that pervades love relationships when they are trapped in projections. The story of Eros and Psyche is understood as a mythical expression of this fact, which is expressed in the numerous symbolic deaths of Psyche.