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Brazil – revisiting some myths


Maria Helena Mandacarú Guerra



Abstract: This article considers some myths that illustrate, according to the author's perspective, the moment that Brazil is going through. The mythical themes are used here not only as a support for reflection, but as a proposal to confront the collective shadow that has emerged in our country. The author states that the difficult answer to our crisis lies in the elaboration of our masochistic and undervalued status as a people, which will only be possible by strengthening consciousness in the pattern of alterity. For this, the matriarchal (which manages the satisfaction of basic necessities) and patriarchal archetypes (which allows the affirmation of fundamental rights) must be recognized and integrated into the collective consciousness.

Identity and Heritage: conflicting symbols



Celia Brandão



Abstract: This article deals with the theme of heritage as a constitutive element of identity. Every heritage is presented as a possible continuation of a finite being and, paradoxically, is a matter to be transformed into the search for identity of every individual, culture and society. The conflict between identity and heritage allows for the symbolic recovery of individual and collective memory on the one hand and on the other, the fluidity of ties. The principle of fairness in the right to inheritance and the search for differentiation of every human permeate the process of individuation. When this process is affected by the loss of connection with facts, memory, ties, people who to us are also legatees, a gap in our identity occurs.

Nise da Silveira - Images of the Unconscious



Emmanoel Fenelon S. Câmara


Abstract: A short biography of Nise da Silveira (1905-1999), a Brazilian psychiatrist who developed expressive approaches in painting with chronic psychotic patients in a psychiatric institution, promoting clinical improvement and revealing true artists. She had theoretical basis in Jungian psychology, which she is considered to have introduced in Brazil. She also created the Museum of Images of the Unconscious.

Instinct and Spirit: from adversaries to partners


Mario Batista Catelli 


Abstract: In pursuit of the nuclei of our individual psychic processes, we can reach the collective standards of humanity, called archetypes in Jung's analytical psychology, which move both at the "end" directly attached to the instincts and at the opposite pole, often referred to as the spirit. This paper intends to make some considerations about this intriguing territory in which the "deepest" finds the "highest", which beckons to the difficult challenges faced by the ego in having to deal with the forces that exercise on it from all sides, and to the rich possibilities inherent in a welcoming relation of the ego to the other aspects of the totality of which it is part.

The meaning of life


Maria Zelia de Alvarenga


Abstract: Text with personal proposition on the meaning of life, it formulates the concept of structuring of conscience, according to T. Chardin, it talks about how to know oneself to be with God and, as a consequence, to have a more significant participation in the collective; it makes considerations about detachment, freedom, with references to the Jewish Exodus and the Pesach; the search for self-knowledge and defenses; in Plato, the choice we have come for.

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