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Numinous and religious experience in the psychology of Carl Jung


Punita Miranda


​Abstract: This paper begins with the notions of “religious experience” inaugurated by the Protestant theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) whose insistence on the importance of describing it from the subject’s perspective was formative in shaping subsequent studies of religious phenomena. It then moves to the two well-known representatives of this tradition: the American philosopher and psychologist William James (1842-1910) and the German Lutheran theologian Rudolf Otto (1869-1937), both of whom were to have a strong influence on the thinking of the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961). Finally, it explores Otto’s idea of the holy and how his concept of a “numinous state of mind” introduced a strong psychological and emotional component into the study of religions. Jung made use of the numinous to refer to a variety of psychological phenomena that had mostly to do with archetypal manifestations. Since then the term has been appropriated, becoming a cornerstone in analytical psychology and an important part of the Jungian lexicon.

Mythology and analysis

Mario Batista Catelli


​Abstract: Myth - a phenomenon as old as humanity - has been, throughout history, both the source and object of human knowledge. Through Jung’s work, mythology came to be seen as the expression of unconscious psychic dynamics, which serves a primordial movement of creation and evolution of consciousness, proposing great themes that mobilize humanity at all times: origins and end; the interaction of opposites; profane time and sacred time; the hero and the descent to the underworld; death and rebirth; as well as others. Thus, in the analysis - which looks at the expansion and relativization of consciousness, by its rooting in the psychic totality - the work with myths acquires special relevance.

Neumann and Jung – the creative principle

Paula Costa Franco Esteves


​Abstract: Biography of Erich Neumann (1905-1960), a theoretical exponent of analytical psychology. His fruitful relationship with Jung resulted in a great deal of important and creative works in depth psychology. Neumann was an active Zionist and embraced his Jewish roots, studying the traditions of his people. He lived turbulent times through Nazi persecution and participated in the creation of the state of Israel.

The Astrological Saturn – a reflection on the archetypal senex

Gabriel Gheller Souza dos Anjos


​Abstract: The Old Man ... this is the archetypal character that perhaps best represents the essence of Saturn in astrology. He was one of the most feared gods, for he brought with him the consciousness of time, aging, powerlessness, and the harsh reality of the inevitable end in things. In the ancient astrological tradition, he was sometimes considered maleficent. However, since everything has (at least) two sides, Saturn is also filled with virtues. He brings the values of patience, wisdom, knowledge through experience, the sense of legacy and the tradition of history, ambition and authority. He is the lord of limits. Lord of the Rings.

Symbols of transformation – history of a work

Emmanoel Fenelon S. Câmara


​Abstract: This article tells the story of Transformations and symbols of libido, in which Jung analyzes the dynamics of the libido in a patient about to manifest her schizophrenia. In the initial version of the work he presents new concepts that will not be accepted by the psychoanalytic movement, and this fact will constitute an important factor in his process of rupture with the movement and with Freud, its founder. The antecedents and the historical, theoretical and psychological importance of the work are examined here, as well as the main divergent conceptual and theoretical aspects that were later revised by Jung and renamed Symbols of transformation.

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