Amorous encounters
Maria Zelia de Alvarenga
Abstract: Amorous Encounters is a text that proposes the existence of anima and animus structures in all human beings (men and women), and that these archetypes, in addition to coordinating countless existential coniunctios, promote the best and greatest of all coniunctio, that is, the inner or subjective marriage with oneself, a process that is fundamental to the consummation of the process of individuation. It describes the different characteristics of relational love and possible betrayal in these love encounters, as well as the demands arising from these betrayals: in the matriarchal dynamics of revenge, in the patriarchal justice, in alterity the recognition of the authorship of the act and responsibility for the consequences of the feat and finally in the cosmic dynamics the condition of being responsible for all the acts committed from which one becomes aware, implying, as a consequence, the demandfor loving understanding of oneself and the other. It describes the matriarchal and patriarchal dynamics as realities that do not confer humanity, since this can only occur in the dynamics of alterity (otherness) and cosmic when there is the possibility of achieving the fullness of humanization and the consummation of the process of individuation.
Better in bad company than alone
Paula Costa Franco Esteves
Abstract: This article aims to articulate some of the issues concerning the imbalance of I-other affective relationships, encouraging reflections and considerations on the fear of loneliness and its consequences for love and marital relationships. It analyzes the need and idealization of the other, as well as symbiotic and destructive relationships. Finally, it considers approaches to develop relationships of more alterity.
Separation as a rite of passage
Celia Brandão
Abstract: The article deals with the separation from an attachment object as a rite of passage. What matters is the quality of the bond and its preservation after a loss. Every encounter carries with it the possibility of separation. Life and death are archetypally intertwined – it is necessary to first learn how to establish bonds in order to work through a separation. There are several forms of mourning experienced in this process and, with them, the human being is individuated in the relationship with the other.
Rafael López-Pedraza
archetype, myth and image in psychotherapy
Margarita Méndez
We can say that Rafael López-Pedraza was a man who lived his life in consonance with the archetypes that inhabited him. He died at his home in Caracas on January 9, 2011 of heart failure, a condition that did not prevent him from remaining extraordinarily active until the last years of
his life. With his departure we lost not only a psychotherapist who turned his craft into art but also a master and a friend.
Religions – conflicting truths?contributions from Jung's perspective
Mário Batista Catelli
Abstract: Some aspects of the conflicts within individual religions and etween different religions are discussed in order to understand these conflicts beyond the economic, social and political aspects. This present article seeks to demonstrate how the discoveries of Jung offer an opportunity for a new way of looking
at the religious experience, which is capable of going beyond the superficial one-sidedness.
Jung, Wilhelm and the civilizations encounter
Emmanoel Fenelon S. Câmara
Abstract: This article presents biographical data of Richard Wilhelm, highlighting the importance of his translation of the I Ching and its role in approximating the culture and thinking of the East with the West. It examines his collaboration with C.G. Jung and his important role in developing the concepts of Analytical Psychology.